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Shop - Cattleya Hybrids & Clones

The hybrid plants are mostly in-house breeding lines. Ben's passion in this business is breeding orchids. We strive for  improved offspring for both award quality and plant vigor. Please contact us for orders or questions. *see homepage*


We are fortunate to be in a Hawaii mountain environment. Our nights average in the upper 50's, so some of our  breeding is for cooler growing Cattleyas - Sophronitis types. Please keep that in mind with your selections.


New additions in Yellow

Be aware these are often more newly potted.



4" Cattleya Hybrids


2" Hybrids

C. bicolor v. coerulea x C. Bird Flap v. coerulea - bifoliate blues - $12

C. Hawaiian Passion x Terry's Spots - novelty spots - $10

C. Key Largo x schilleriana - novelty spotted bifoliate - $10

C. velutina x Rlc. Little Mike 'Orchid Eros' AM/AOS - novelty - $10

Lc. Flamingo Dance v. coerulea - novelty blue - $10

Rlc. Donna Kimura 'ASA' AM/AOS x C. Sierra Winter 'Mauna Kea' - XL whites - $10

Rlc. Little Mike' Orchid Eros' FCC/AOS x self - $15​​



Primary Hybrids:


C. bicolor (clear brown) x tenuis 'Orchid Eros' HCC/AOS - $12

C. bicolor (clear) x guttata (clear) - $12

C. bicolor 'Erato' x schilleriana 'Aphri' AM/AOS - $15

C. guttata (clear) x tenuis 'Orchid Eros' HCC/AOS - $12

C. intermedia v. aquinnii coerulea x violacea v. coerulea 'Popa Chubby' AM/AOS - $15

L. moyobambae x Mcp. wendlandii - $12

S. Wildfire (coccinea x wittigiana) - $12


3" Primaries:

C. schofieldiana x C. velutina - $25

S. Wildfire - $25


Plant list update for Orchid Eros, January 2025

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